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Bold Purple

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Bold Purple summary

Bold Purple set

Author: Kirill Kazachek

Website: https://creativemarket.com/kirill.kazachek

License: Freebie License

Total icons: 99

Published: 30 Mar, 2019

If you have any questions related to the license of Bold Purple, please contact the author. We can't provide any other additional information.

Bold Purple

Bold Purple: men, symbol, restroom, human, toilet, brother, father, fellow, guy, he, husband, son, mr., beau, boyfriend
Men Symbol Restroom Human Toilet
Bold Purple: woman, symbol, restroom, human, toilet, daughter, girl, mother, she, wife, aunt, gentlewoman, girlfriend, grandmother, matron
Woman Symbol Restroom Human Toilet
Bold Purple: letters, symbol, restroom, pointer, toilet, sign, abcs, alphabet, cap, capital, character, majuscule, minuscule, rune, type
Letters Symbol Restroom Pointer Toilet
Bold Purple: dictionary, translate, letters, words, translation, glossary, language, vocabulary, concordance, cyclopedia, encyclopedia, lexicon, palaver, reference, terminology
Dictionary Translate Letters Words Translation
Bold Purple: search, find, zoom, magnifier, lens, files, text, examination, exploration, hunt, inquiry, inspection, investigation, pursuit, quest
Search Find Zoom Magnifier Lens Files Text
Bold Purple: list, text, menu, numbers, string, burger, account, agenda, archive, ballot, bill, calendar, catalog, checklist, dictionary
List Text Menu Numbers String Burger
Bold Purple: list, text, menu, numbers, bullets, string, burger, account, agenda, archive, ballot, bill, calendar, catalog, checklist
List Text Menu Numbers Bullets String Burger
Bold Purple: preferences, settings, options, details, switch, equalizer, choice, desire, inclination, option, predilection, weakness, alternative, druthers, election
Preferences Settings Options Details Switch Equalizer
Bold Purple: delete, mobile, keyboard, replace, wipe, erase, cross, annul, black out, cross out, cut out, destroy, edit, eliminate, exclude
Delete Mobile Keyboard Replace Wipe Erase Cross
Bold Purple: toggle, switch, button, preferences, options, swipe, mobile, position, dial, knob, switch, adjuster, tuner, on/off, power switch
Toggle Switch Button Preferences Options Swipe Mobile Position
Bold Purple: computer, monitor, data, device, screen, display, cpu, pc, abacus, analog, brain, calculator, clone, laptop, mac
Computer Monitor Data Device Screen Display
Bold Purple: arrows, refresh, replace, round, circle, cursor, dart, missile, projectile, bolt, indicator, pointer, shaft, cool, exhilarate
Arrows Refresh Replace Round Circle
Bold Purple: block, delete, stop, spam, disabled, bar, brick, chunk, piece, section, slab, square, cake, cube, hunk
Block Delete Stop Spam Disabled
Bold Purple: music, shuffle, track, arrow, way, melody, opera, piece, rap, rock, singing, soul, tune, acoustic, air
Music Shuffle Track Arrow Way
Bold Purple: diamond, achievment, jewel, jems, gem, jewel, rhinestone, allotrope, corundum, ice, lozenge, paragon, rhombus, rock, solitaire
Diamond Achievment Jewel Jems
Bold Purple: alcohol, wine, glass, conversation, pharmacy, liquor, booze, drink, ethanol, liquor, methanol, smoke, alky, cocktail, firewater
Alcohol Wine Glass Conversation Pharmacy Liquor
Bold Purple: yen, exchange, money, symbol, currency, craving, desire, hankering, hunger, itch, longing, lust, passion, thirst, urge
Yen Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: yuan, exchange, money, symbol, currency, change, commerce, network, swap, transaction, transfer, barter, castling, commutation, conversion
Yuan Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: euro, exchange, money, symbol, currency, bandicoot, kangaroo, koala, opossum, possum, wallaby, wombat, change, commerce, network
Euro Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: dollar, exchange, money, symbol, currency, currency, greenback, ace, bill, buck, certificate, clam, cucumber, note, one-spot
Dollar Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: hryvnia, exchange, money, symbol, currency, change, commerce, network, swap, transaction, transfer, barter, castling, commutation, conversion
Hryvnia Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: ruble, exchange, money, symbol, currency, change, commerce, network, swap, transaction, transfer, barter, castling, commutation, conversion
Ruble Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: navigation, pointer, cursor, geography, map, route, boating, exploration, shipping, aeronautics, flying, pilotage, piloting, sailing
Navigation Pointer Cursor Geography Map Route
Bold Purple: rating, graph, curve, diagram, bars, appraisal, assessment, category, valuation, class, classification, degree, judgment, standard, tier
Rating Graph Curve Diagram Bars
Bold Purple: play, video, music, button, youtube, player, comedy, drama, hit, musical, opera, performance, show, entertainment, farce
Play Video Music Button Youtube Player
Bold Purple: quote, quotation, text, sample, cite, name, recall, refer to, adduce, attest, detail, excerpt, extract, instance, paraphrase
Quote Quotation Text Sample
Bold Purple: delete, erase, stop, cross, disabled, annul, black out, cross out, cut out, destroy, edit, eliminate, exclude, expunge, omit
Delete Erase Stop Cross Disabled
Bold Purple: arrow, up, down, synchronization, data, files, cursor, dart, missile, projectile, bolt, indicator, pointer, shaft, at the apex of
Arrow Up Down Synchronization Data Files
Bold Purple: padlock, locked, lock, security, data, information, blocked, bar, bolt, catch, clamp, fastening, hasp, hook
Padlock Locked Lock Security Data Information Blocked
Bold Purple: padlock, unlocked, security, data, information, blocked, bar, bolt, catch, clamp, fastening, hasp, hook, free
Padlock Unlocked Security Data Information Blocked
Bold Purple: trash, delete, replace, block, disabled, debris, droppings, junk, litter, residue, rubbish, rubble, sediment, waste, dregs
Trash Delete Replace Block Disabled
Bold Purple: bitcoin, exchange, money, symbol, currency, change, commerce, network, swap, transaction, transfer, barter, castling, commutation, conversion
Bitcoin Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: baht, exchange, money, symbol, currency, change, commerce, network, swap, transaction, transfer, barter, castling, commutation, conversion
Baht Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: pound, exchange, money, symbol, currency, avoirdupois, pint, troy, change, commerce, network, swap, transaction, transfer, barter
Pound Exchange Money Symbol Currency
Bold Purple: done, circle, symbol, downloaded, complete, completed, concluded, consummated, depleted, down, drained, effected, ended, executed, exhausted
Done Circle Symbol Downloaded
Bold Purple: geotag, geography, tag, map, done, added, earth science, geology, geopolitics, topography, cartography, physiography, topology, chorography, geopolitical study
Geotag Geography Tag Map Done Added
Bold Purple: geotag, geography, tag, map, increase, add, earth science, geology, geopolitics, topography, cartography, physiography, topology, chorography, geopolitical study
Geotag Geography Tag Map Increase Add
Bold Purple: geotag, geography, tag, map, disable, decrease, earth science, geology, geopolitics, topography, cartography, physiography, topology, chorography, geopolitical study
Geotag Geography Tag Map Disable Decrease
Bold Purple: geotag, tag, geography, map, position, pin, badge, button, card, chip, identification, insignia, logo, marker, pin
Geotag Tag Geography Map Position Pin
Bold Purple: geotag, geography, tag, map, disabled, earth science, geology, geopolitics, topography, cartography, physiography, topology, chorography, geopolitical study, physiographics
Geotag Geography Tag Map Disabled

Free icon sets similar to Bold Purple

Bold Purple info

Author: Kirill Kazachek

Website: https://creativemarket.com/kirill.kazachek

License: Freebie License

Total icons: 99

Published: 30 Mar, 2019

Bold Purple keywords

bold, purple, free icons, freebies icons, freebies png, download free iconsMen Symbol Restroom Human Toilet, Woman Symbol Restroom Human Toilet, Letters Symbol Restroom Pointer Toilet, Dictionary Translate Letters Words Translation, Search Find Zoom Magnifier Lens Files Text, List Text Menu Numbers String Burger, List Text Menu Numbers Bullets String Burger, Preferences Settings Options Details Switch Equalizer, Delete Mobile Keyboard Replace Wipe Erase Cross, Toggle Switch Button Preferences Options Swipe Mobile Position, Computer Monitor Data Device Screen Display, Arrows Refresh Replace Round Circle, Block Delete Stop Spam Disabled, Music Shuffle Track Arrow Way, Diamond Achievment Jewel Jems, Alcohol Wine Glass Conversation Pharmacy Liquor, Yen Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Yuan Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Euro Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Dollar Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Hryvnia Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Ruble Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Navigation Pointer Cursor Geography Map Route , Rating Graph Curve Diagram Bars, Play Video Music Button Youtube Player, Quote Quotation Text Sample, Delete Erase Stop Cross Disabled, Arrow Up Down Synchronization Data Files, Padlock Locked Lock Security Data Information Blocked, Padlock Unlocked Security Data Information Blocked, Trash Delete Replace Block Disabled, Bitcoin Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Baht Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Pound Exchange Money Symbol Currency, Done Circle Symbol Downloaded, Geotag Geography Tag Map Done Added, Geotag Geography Tag Map Increase Add, Geotag Geography Tag Map Disable Decrease, Geotag Tag Geography Map Position Pin, Geotag Geography Tag Map Disabled,

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