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Fluent UI System Icons

Fluent UI System Icons cover image

Fluent UI System Icons set's cover image

Fluent UI System Icons summary

Fluent UI System Icons set

Author: Microsoft

Website: https://opensource.microsoft.com/

License: MIT License

Total icons: 4940

Published: 17 Aug, 2022

If you have any questions related to the license of Fluent UI System Icons, please contact the author. We can't provide any other additional information.

Fluent UI System Icons

Fluent UI System Icons: book, contacts, filled
book contacts filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, contacts, regular
book contacts regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, database, filled
book database filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, database, regular
book database regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, exclamation, mark, filled
book exclamation mark filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, exclamation, mark, regular
book exclamation mark regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, globe, filled
book globe filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, globe, regular
book globe regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, information, filled
book information filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, information, regular
book information regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, letter, filled
book letter filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, letter, regular
book letter regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, number, filled
book number filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, number, regular
book number regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, open, filled
book open filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, open, regular
book open regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, open, globe, filled
book open globe filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, open, globe, regular
book open globe regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, open, microphone, filled
book open microphone filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, open, microphone, regular
book open microphone regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, pulse, filled
book pulse filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, pulse, regular
book pulse regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, question, mark, filled
book question mark filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, question, mark, regular
book question mark regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, question, mark, rtl, filled
book question mark rtl filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, question, mark, rtl, regular
book question mark rtl regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, search, filled
book search filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, search, regular
book search regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, star, filled
book star filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, star, regular
book star regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, template, filled
book template filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, template, regular
book template regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, theta, filled
book theta filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, theta, regular
book theta regular
Fluent UI System Icons: book, toolbox, filled
book toolbox filled
Fluent UI System Icons: book, toolbox, regular
book toolbox regular
Fluent UI System Icons: border, all, filled
border all filled
Fluent UI System Icons: border, all, regular
border all regular
Fluent UI System Icons: border, bottom, filled
border bottom filled
Fluent UI System Icons: border, bottom, regular
border bottom regular

Free icon sets similar to Fluent UI System Icons

Fluent UI System Icons info

Author: Microsoft

Website: https://opensource.microsoft.com/

License: MIT License

Total icons: 4940

Published: 17 Aug, 2022

Fluent UI System Icons keywords

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